
Alphabet Fundamental Breakdown

How does Alphabet make their money?

Q4 2024 revenue for Alphabet increased 12% year-over-year to reach $96.5 billion for total annual revenue of $350,018. Let’s take a look at Q4 2024 earnings for Alphabet to see how they made their money and understand the fundamentals behind their business.

Alphabet Google Income Statement Breakdown

Ticker: GOOG

Consolidated revenue increased in Q4 2024 increased 12% year-over-year to $96.5 billion. More impressive was the increase in net income of 28% due to growth in high margin revenue streams. Net income increased from $20,687 million in Q4 2023 to $26,536 in Q4 2024.

Here is a breakdown of how each revenue stream increased from Q4 2023 to Q4 2024 in millions:

Revenue Stream 2023 2024
Google Search & Other $48,020 $54,034
YouTube Ads $9,200 $10,473
Google Network $8,297 $7,954
Google Subscriptions, platforms, and devices $10,794 $11,633
Google Cloud $9,192 $11,955
Other Bets $657 $400
Hedgin gains (losses) $150 $20

Alphabet saw great growth in Google Search & Other reaching double digit revenue growth of 12.52% as revenue increased to $54,034 million in Q4 2024. Income from YouTube ads also saw double digit growth of 13.84% with revenue increasing from $9,200 million to $10,473 million. Most impressive was growth from Google Cloud as revenue increased 30.06% year-over-year to reach $11,633 in Q4 2024. Google Network saw a decrease in revenue of 4.13% to as revenue slid to $7,954 from $8,297 the prior year.

Operating income breakdown

Operating income (loss) 2023 2024
Google Services $26,730 $32,836
Google Cloud $864 $2,093
Other Bets $-863 $-1,174
Alphabet-level activities $-3,034 $-2,783